
Thought i would not mind if you ever say lies.But recently i was tired,I does not want to pretending anymore.Say you want to say;do what you want to do,dont interfere in my life.I do not love you,the day after i will be fine.Just continue your disguise,i really do not want to play again.You should be happy such a decision,because it is what you want most.From now on,no longer be the one you never liked the girls struggle with;no longer have to forced yourself to chat with her;no longer to try to expain to her.

Some things i really know,but i do not want to say that because i do not want to hurt you.So,please be honest,do not lie to me or disguise,because i'm not stupid people.Is very much aware that i would like to ask you who avoid heart problem.Well,i'm very regret that we cannot together,but the regret will dissappear someday.Now promise myself,study hard and lose weight,afterthat departure for the love again.

If i can be like my sister did have the opportunity to study abroad,i will cherish it.I really want to leave here,to throw away all the bad memories i had and know more friends,enjoy some quite life.......


When i write this article,i was out my tears:(

I thought that i has many friends,but when im not happy and looking for friends to complain,actually not one.Even if there is,i think she does not like to listening,so i prefer dont tell.Do you know?I hate when you clearly know what i mean,you are disguised.I really do not understand your heart in mind.Do you really common when i was your friend?If i do decide to give up,you really happy?You will never know,how my heart is too uncomfortable when you say we are just good friend forever.Knowing that you did not like me,but i still persistant,it is because i do  really love you.I'm not chasing no one,nor is unwanted,but i think that seat in my heart is only belongs to you.But you never know what i want.Even if you know that, you will not accept me.Recently,i  felt a sense of distance with you.When i texting with you,i really want to tell you everything,but in the end i still have the courage,that is because i know the answer you gave.Sometimes,i'd rather do not want you to contact me,i do not like to hear what you say i will be unhappy all day.How much  i hope that you will personally told me that you love me,but i know it will never happen........



最近患上了老人痴呆症,总是忘记这个,忘记那个。昨天差点忘记买朋友的生日蛋糕,差点庆祝不到咧。还好妹妹的提醒,我立刻换衣服出去买。今天又忘记英文考试,更离谱的是我居然忘记这个星期四要考mid-year exam。唉......死咯,今次的考试一定全科不及格咯,到现在都不知自己在做着什么。很想不读,可是我知道爸妈一定不允许。身边有几个跟我比较好的朋友也是读到明年就不读了。看到一个接一个地离开,心里有一种冲动想不读了。老实说,目前的我已经有几科跟不上了,每天都逼自己去死背。LCCI真的不容易读,现在有点后悔当初为什么不坚持去ktar读hotel management。有时候,我也真的很讨厌搭车。没有人会知道,一个人在车站等巴士的感受是怎样。如果那时候还下着大雨的话,你简直会想哭出来,没人理的时候真的很无助。搭车就算了,回到珠毛巴刹却没人来载我回家,唯有自己走路咯,还蛮“近”的啦......停还是不停?其实心里已经有了答案,只是我的答案只能埋在心里的最底层不可以说出口。两年.....我每天都安慰自己说:“两年很快过,我要坚持继续读下去,至少拿到几张文凭才离开,将来要找到一份很好的工作,这样爸爸妈妈才不会对我感到失望。”可是现在的我真的不知道自己可以撑到多久。我曾经告诉一个朋友说我不想读的时候,她的反应还蛮大的,说了一些我听了会感到内疚的话,所以我再也不敢跟任何人说“我想休学”这四个字。算了,说出来舒服一点了。我知道,选择权永远都没我份,所以只好跟随父母的planning 而走,至少他们不会对我感到失望和不开心。














不过现在我暂时不会去想,因为要考external了,心里紧张+害怕得要命。UBS要拿六十分才及格,我上次的mid year exam才拿六十分,现在考外国试咧,我看我今次 fail定咯。这几天学校都没电脑让我做复习,惨了.....惨了.......希望今次不要出那么难咯(*praying hard...*GOD BLESS ME!!!)

Blocking my love,hugging my books------by Jane Lai